the whole family 's night

the whole family 's night:
NiNi BOY (behind NiNi)and with their mother YY and the two babies
sheltie family funny

puppy with their dam NiNi(on the bottom) and grandmother YY
sheltie family funny

NiNi enjoy playing with her baby
sheltie family funny

The father play with his son
sheltie family funny

I always like to see YY stand naturally although she is out of coat
sheltie family funny

BOY and NiNi 's pup 5 weeks old

BOY and NiNi 's babies was 5 weeks old this Monday. The weight of the babies on Monday morning is
BOY1 3.04lb
Girl 2.96lb
BOY2 2.69lb
And I took some photo for them today. Today they're 5 weeks and 3 days old. I had started to taking them outside for socializing.

5 weeks old sheltie puppy
5 weeks old sheltie puppy
5 weeks old sheltie puppy

5 weeks old sheltie puppy
5 weeks old sheltie puppy
5 weeks old sheltie puppy

The Girl
5 weeks old sheltie puppy
5 weeks old sheltie puppy
5 weeks old sheltie puppy

1 month old today NiNi BOY's baby

Babies by BOY and NiNi is 1 month old today.
Today is raining day. So I can't take pic for them out side of house. I only took some pic when they sleep in floor after playing.
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
sheltie puppy 1 months old
the only girl
1monthold girl

you aslo could visit my msn live album to see big size pic for this litters

Pic of the BOYS

puppy will be four weeks old next Monday.
Today's photo of the BOYS

Updated my blog

I just took half day to edit my blog. I try to make my blogger more nice look.
NiNi and BOY's babies turn to 3 weeks now. Our family started to socializing them for handling puppis more longer time.
Babies are all heathy and strong. I love them very much.

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who is the mother

YY love her grandchilds so much. She likes to help NiNi to take care the babies for these three weeks since puppies was born.
Yesterday I got some funny photo for them.

12 days pup and a sweet girl

A friend brought his daughter come to my house yesterday. His little pretty girl had a wonderful experience to touching the pups who was just 12 days old.