Lisa will be 7 months old this weekend. Today I had taken some picture on our road when I walk with Lisa and BOY(Lisa's sire).
This one is Lisa stand with her sire BOY.
Lisa nearly 7 months old
Father and daughter
My 'BOY' who is about 21 months old with his little daughter 'Lisa'.
Lisa will be four months this week. The girl now is just reach 12 inches.
Shanghai is still very hot. I wish BOY could grow his coat in this winter.ggg
Summer is for swimming
This week is very hot. Today the puppies had a fun play time in the bath. And it's aslo the first time to get them washed since they were born.
New pic of pups who are over 9 weeks old
BOY and NiNi 's babies turn to 9 weeks old this monday. There're some photo I had taken in these two days.
from left to right: James(the small boy),Lisa(girl),Hugo(BOY 1)
pretty Lisa
James with Lisa
Hugo(BOY 1)
The two boys
Hugo give Lisa a big KISS
Hugo and James
BOY and NiNi's puppies nearly 8 wks old photo
My friend and his daughter visited my home again yesterday.
Pretty girl hug nearly 8 wks old baby James(BOY 2) with Hugo(BOY 1) on the floor
My friends's daughter with nearly 8 wks old Lisa (the only girl in this litter)
the BOY 2 named James nearly 8 wks old
Here are a video of two baby boy playing
and to see the whole ablum:
pups 6 1/2 wks old updated
Today BOY and NiNi's babies are 45 days old. After they were playing at garden this morning, they had their first vaccinated at afternoon.
From left to right: BOY 1, Girl and BOY 2
and some more photo:
The sweet girl
and the weight at the day of 6 weeks old:
Hugo(BOY 1) 3.48lb
Girl 3.66lb
James(BOY 2) 3.18lb
the whole family 's night
the whole family 's night:
NiNi BOY (behind NiNi)and with their mother YY and the two babies
puppy with their dam NiNi(on the bottom) and grandmother YY
NiNi enjoy playing with her baby
The father play with his son
I always like to see YY stand naturally although she is out of coat
BOY and NiNi 's pup 5 weeks old
BOY and NiNi 's babies was 5 weeks old this Monday. The weight of the babies on Monday morning is
BOY1 3.04lb
Girl 2.96lb
BOY2 2.69lb
And I took some photo for them today. Today they're 5 weeks and 3 days old. I had started to taking them outside for socializing.
The Girl
1 month old today NiNi BOY's baby
Babies by BOY and NiNi is 1 month old today.
Today is raining day. So I can't take pic for them out side of house. I only took some pic when they sleep in floor after playing.
the only girl
you aslo could visit my msn live album to see big size pic for this litters